Welcome to SafeBrowser Editor Help
To see a larger image , right-click , then select 'Open image in New Tab' .
Herein is a listing of the TWO 'Approved Link Files' .
One contains 'Whole Sites Links' 'named: 'TrustFile_SafeSites.txt' .
The other contains 'Specific Links' 'named: 'TrustFile_SafeLinks.txt' .
'Whole Sites Links' means that the Whole Site is Approved , the User can go anywhere on that site .
'Specific Links' means that only certain Links on a Site are Approved . For example ,
you may not want the User to have access to everything on YouTube , only certain videos ,
Both of these LINK areas can be Edited to add/change/delete Links .
If you Edit (make Change to) these areas be sure to Click on
Save All Files to save your Changes .
SafeBrowser also must be Shutdown then ReStarted after Changes .
BTW: The 1st thing SafeBrowser-Editor does when it Starts up , is to Create Backup files for
'TrustFile_SafeSites.txt' and 'TrustFile_SafeLinks.txt' ,
and names them 'TrustFile_SafeSites-BK.txt' and 'TrustFile_SafeLinks-BK.txt' .
All of these files can also be Edited with with Notepad .
This is an input area for you to test out Links . Typically , you would enter a new link into the Edit Areas ,
and then Enter the same Link here , and then Click on the
Test This Link Button to make sure there are no Errors . Or perhaps you want to check if there
is such a Link in one of the Edit Areas .
If the Entered Link is not in one of the Edit Areas , then as shown above , a pop-up Screen will appear
saying: "This Site Not Approved" .
The image above shows that "http://www.google.com" is not an Approved Site . But as shown above ,
"duckduckgo.com" is Approved . "duckduckgo.com" is a safer Search Engine , especially for Kids .
Save All FIles
When you Click on "Save All Files" , the program saves Updated files ,
'TrustFile_SafeSites.txt' and 'TrustFile_SafeLinks.txt' .
By default: netflix.com and hulu.com are included in the TrustFile_SafeSites.txt file .
If you don't want these , use this KidSafeBrowser-EDITOR program to remove them .
Have Fun , Be Safe !